
Personal Website of Fergus Young

Welcome, This Website serves as essentially a place and digital home on the Web to call my own, a personal primary point of presence on the Internet in which I use to keep in contact with Friends and Family both at home and abroad.  My contact details can be found here.

All publicly accessible photo galleries can be found here.

While most people have since moved to the likes of Facebook, I decided to stay with the old way of having a personal website / homepage as my digital web home in preference to embracing the more common centralized and commercialised platforms of Facebook/Instagram for the posting up of personal photos and the penning of personal thoughts (via sub-site PEAK).

If you wish, you’re welcome to drop me a line by sending me a message either via E-Mail to: fergus (at) young (dot) kiwi, or sign the Guestbook below.

While most of the pictures as found on this website are essentially personal photos taken on my compact camera or phone, people are welcomed to use / share any of these photos around for personal or commercial use (Though please don’t on-sell photos for profit) provided these photos are appropriately attributed (e.g “Photos: Fergus Young / YOUNG.KIWI” is acceptable). Cheers.

The Photo Gallery originally started life on nui.nz back in 2015 before this website and public facing gallery was moved to www.young.kiwi (this site) as of February/March 2023.

Header photo taken in 2013 at Mt Sunday, Canterbury (Hakatere Conservation Park)


Fergus Young


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9 entries.
Shan Shan Shan Shan from Auckland wrote on February 20, 2022 at 1:27 pm
Hello Fergus, hope you are well. Haven’t seen you for ages. Happy to see that you tramp now and then. Trevor and I haven’t done much lately. Did some short walks in North Shore. Now taking on a new hobby- sailing. Take care.
Admin Reply by: Fergus Young
Hi Shan Shan, Indeed, it's been a long time since we all last got together. Thinking of may be posting up a few reunion hikes sometime. All the best to You and Trevor. Take care.
Rayleigh Rayleigh wrote on January 14, 2022 at 8:36 pm
Nice seeing a fellow traveler *bow*
Admin Reply by: Fergus Young
Cheers Rayleigh, Likewise 🙂
Rayleigh Rayleigh wrote on January 14, 2022 at 8:36 pm
Nice seeing a fellow traveler *bow*
Jessi Jessi from Hamilton wrote on August 14, 2021 at 12:48 pm
Hey Nui! wonderful photos! I hope you do not mind I have saved a few to put in a slide I am doing for a university paper where I am promoting green spaces 🙂
Admin Reply by: Fergus Young
Hi Jessi, Cheers! I don't mind al all. All the best for your University studies. 🙂
Kindlee Kindlee from Guangzhou wrote on February 17, 2020 at 11:08 pm
Peter ball Peter ball from Ruawai wrote on December 30, 2019 at 10:11 pm
Great to host and meet you,Fergus.
Dave Campbell Dave Campbell from Auckland wrote on June 1, 2018 at 5:32 pm
Yo Fergus - still fancy hiking France in August???? El Camino trail...
Lena Lena wrote on August 9, 2016 at 2:01 am
Hi Fergus! Wonderful pic! Where have you been? Love, Lena
Glen Glen from Auckland wrote on January 16, 2016 at 8:10 pm
Nice photos Fergus :).