5th November 2016 – Did a spontaneous walk along Pararaha. Weather conditions were showery for the first part initially while I was walking down Buck Taylor track, but later cleared up to be a beautiful find day once I commenced the Pararaha Stream (after the Pararaha Campsite)
Negotiating the Log Jam was a little bit daunting after getting through the logs and trying to get yourself over a moderately sloping section of rock. While this rock was pretty gripy, I was concerned that I was going to slide off and fall down between the logs.
While it is possible to avoid going waist deep by going above and over the cliffs, sometimes found it easier to simply put everything in my dry bag and wade / swim a few of the sections
My hiking boots has seen better days, there is not much grip on them anymore and I feel that having a bit more grip would have helped me greatly.
The valley in general seems a lot more beautiful than what I remembered it was when I did this trail 5 years ago.

Buck Taylor Track

Buck Taylor Track

Buck Taylor Track

Air Roots

Looking down at Mouth of Pararaha Valley from Buck Taylor Track

Looking down at Mouth of Pararaha Valley from Buck Taylor Track

Close up of Kauri Trunk

Close up of Plant Life

Sand Dunes at Mouth of Pararaha Valley

Sand Dunes at Mouth of Pararaha Valley

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Looking back at Pararaha Valley

Looking back out to Sand Dunes from Boardwalk at Pararaha Valley

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Campsite

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream

Warning sign at Pararaha Valley

Pararaha Stream

Close up of Moss

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life

Close up of Plant Life


Obligatory Self Picture at a Waterfall










Pararaha Valley

Kauri Log Jam, Pararaha Valley

Kauri Log Jam, Pararaha Valley

Kauri Log Jam, Pararaha Valley

Kauri Log Jam, Pararaha Valley

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Looking back down towards Log Jam

Waterfalls, Pararaha Valley


Waterfalls, Waterfalls, Pararaha Valley

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Another Swim, Waterfalls, Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Stream Waterfall

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Valley

Looking back down at Pararaha Stream from Cliff

Clump of Kauri along cliff above Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Valley

Looking back down along Pararaha Stream from top of Waterfall

Looking back down along Pararaha Stream from top of Waterfall

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream

Still Gully

Trunk Texture of Ponga Tree


Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream WaterFalls

Pararaha Stream

Odins TImber TrailIntersection with Pararaha Stream

Pararaha Stream

The many stairs greeting one on Odins Timber Trail back to the Car Park

Odins Timber Trail

Last Segment of Odins Timber Trail before reaching Carpark

View of West Auckland from Parkinson’s Lookout

View towards Auckland CBD from Parkinson’s Lookout