10th – 11th December 2016 – Leisurely Weekend to Northland to catch up with some friends in Parua Bay, a visit to Last Rite Footwear (Run by Neville Brunker, a Local boot maker) in Pataua North to place an order for some new boots. Along with a visit to the Ohuatahi (Tahi) Manuka Honey to walk their trails including up to Ohuatahi Pa site. Click here to see a Map of the Walks available on the property. Note, tracks are not as well signposted as say a typical track in the Waitakare ranges or a Department of Conservation managed park.

Threaded Brass Wire

Brass Wire feeder

Boots of Lastrite

“Chili” the cat

“Poochie” The Fat Cat of Pataua


View out to Pataua Estuary’s Head

Pataua Foot Bridge

Pataua Foot Bridge


Bee Hives at Tahi Honey

Plant Life

Plant Life

Plant Life

Plant Life

Tahi Walks

Tahi Walks

Horses around the Unnamed Lake

Horses around the Unnamed Lake

Horses on Forest Loop Track

Horses on Forest Loop Track

Plant Life

Water Lilies along the Forest Loop at Tahi Honey

Forest Loop at Tahi Honey

Forest Loop at Tahi Honey

Forest Loop at Tahi Honey

Forest Loop Walk at Tahi Honey

Otuatahi Pa

Looking out towards Whangarei Heads from Otuatahi

Looking out towards Whangarei Heads from Otuatahi

Looking out northwards from Otuatahi

Estuary Loop Walk

Unnamed Lake

North Pataua area from a high vantage point

Unnamed Lake

Looking back at Otuatahi Pa site from near Tahi Cafe
Your photos always so beautiful, well done Fergus